Cold Weather Plumbing Reminders.....

I'm always sorry to have to send out the winter reminders. The freezing weather is already upon us and there are many homeowner items that always need to be done before the first flakes fly.
Top of the list for me is to remind people of a simple one. Remove your hose from your outside faucet. Even if you have a frost free faucet, it won't work if you leave your garden hose attached. Frost free faucets actually shut off within the warm space of your home and then discharge the little bit of water left in the pipe to the outside. If you leave your garden hose attached, the water doesn't get discharged and you will be in for a nasty cellar filling surprise when you go to use your faucet in the spring.
So just a quick reminder from your local plumber, remove your garden hoses. Not very exciting, unless of course you forget to do it!